The Happiest Network

When you are a part of any Bahuvida Limited’s estate, you are welcomed into a vibrant and lively community that truly reflects the sense of oneness. The Happiest Network, as we call it, is synonymous with the spirit of New India where diverse people come together to form one harmonious community. The core idea of the network is to spread the feeling of belongingness to all our families. Neighbors’ becoming friends or even family is a reality at Bahuvida Limited. On regular basis Bahuvida Limited conducts community events that include festivals celebrations, cricket tournaments, new year bash, annual days and much more at every estate project at different times around the year. These are only few examples to illustrate how all roads at Bahuvida Limited lead to a vibrant, happy life. Come and experience the rest..!

Post Sale Assistance:

Even after registration of your estate land, though we are maintaining it for a period of 25 years, we are always there for you. We support you in the following ways:

My Estate Mobile App

This mobile application has been solely created to serve the estate owner with

  • Updates on day to day estate developments and maintenance activities at site level, all the recent and future events at your estate;
  • You can reserve the resort staying rooms as per the availability and allocation where you have lifetime membership;
  • You can rise all your estate related queries/concerns through this app where you can directly communicate with the Bahuvida Limited’s top management;

Cultural Events

We at Bahuvida Limited celebrate the diversity of culture and passion in full spirit. We organize new year bash, festivals like: sankranti for 3 days, ugadi, karthika masam vanabhojanalu, ganesh chaturthi, dasara, and many more events; during these events where estates owners from all of the projects come and take part with families and children in various competitions and cultural activities.

Resale Assistance

  • We hold a wide and extensive resale property aspirants database which permits us to provide support in this sphere;
  • We furnish a thoroughly screened list of local channel partners who has ready buyers to assist you in the resale process at the rate of best market price;
  • We also encourage neighbor estate owners in the resale process of your estate land;

Advantage of Happiest Network

We are there for our Bahuvida Limited family in every aspect; whether it is about a happy living or a flourishing business. Have a look at this particular concept:

  • This specific wing of Happiest Network is to promote the entrepreneurs among our Bahuvida Limited estates owners;
  • It gives a chance to promote their businesses within our thousands of co-owners;
  • Whether one is running a travel agency, supermarket, restaurant or any other kind of service, you will be eligible to get your business advertised on our My Estate Mobile App and Newsletter at free of cost;

Bahuvida Limited Newsletter

Presenting an exclusive newsletter which brings you updated news and developmental activity photographs/infographs about all the happenings in every Bahuvida Limited’s estate projects:

  • News and updates from various estates are posted here;
  • It’s a golden chance for all the co-owners to share their pieces of art with all the members;

Sports Activities

Bahuvida Limited family has crafted a special segment of sports activities for all those who find themselves in sports activities:

  • Bahuvida Premier League (BPL) translates into cricket tournaments for sports enthusiasts;
  • Bahuvida Super League (BSL) is an exclusive event hosting football tournaments for all the football enthusiasts.
  • 10K Run/Marathon, and many more occasional sports events will be conducted by the Bahuvida Limited;

Why waiting for? Become a part of Bahuvida Family and start your real life journey along with nature, which will lead you magnificently, not only you even your next generations..! Welcome to Bahuvida Limited.!!