
Macadamia nuts are regarded as world’s costliest dry-fruit nits and one of the world’s best eating nuts. The plant is native of the sub-tropical forests (Queensland) Australia, and produces nuts with a white, creamy, highly valued kernel. Now, South Africa is the world’s largest commercial producer accounting for roughly 30% (i.e. approximately 77,000 metric tonnes of nuts in shell) per year produced globally. India has considerable potentiality for commercial cultivation of this crop in many areas of tropical and subtropical regions (i.e. between Eastern ghats and Western ghats of southern part of India) with the suitable variety Beaumont which has 100 years of tree life.

Macadamia nuts are superior in flavor than other dessert nuts and posses a higher aroma and finer, smoother flavor than the hazel nut, which it most closely resembles. The raw kernel though edible, is usually consumed after roasting. Compared to other common edible nuts such as almonds and cashews, Macadamias are high in good-fat and low in protein. The kernels are a good source of vitamin B, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. They have the highest amount of beneficial monounsaturated fats of any known nut, but also contain approximately 22% of omega-7 palmitoleic acid, which has biological effects similar to saturated fat. 

Climate, Soil & Varieties

These Macadamia trees grow best in climates ranging from warm temperate dry (between 5 to 40 degrees) through tropical moist areas. Typically suitable at an altitudes upto 1,500 Mtrs from the MSL, the species grow as small to large evergreen trees, 2 to 12 meters tall. It required very minimal rainfall. As a thumb rule; that the Macadamia can be produced successfully in areas where Mango, Papaya, Banana and Avocado do well. 

In India, in the recent years few of the small farmers are planted the Macadamia plants where fruiting is found successful yield in a satisfactory level as like next to Australia and South Africa, as a result it grow well on a wide range of soils. The yielding well on deep, well-drained loams and sandy loam soils with pH range between 5.5 to 6.6. In many places, it is found enjoying the same agro-climatic conditions as that of coffee. It is favored by alluvial situations bordering rivers and creeks where the fertile volcanic soils, rich in humus and sub-tropical climate provide ideal conditions for its successful cultivation.

The Macadamia has 4 different species but in India the suitable varieties are Tetraphylla and Integrifolia which are has good taste and high in oil. The most successful commercial selling sub-variety is Beaumont is highly recommended for the large extent of Macadamia estates worldwide because it is a commercial variety that will reliably supply a good amount of delicious nuts. 

It is extremely beautiful with dense deep green foliage and a fragrant pink flower in spring for the great yielding of Macadamia nut bunches. These matured trees (Grafted Sapling), from the age of 3rd and 4th year produce about 3kgs of nuts, by 6th and 7th year produce about 15kgs per tree per annum, 15th year onwards it will produce minimum 75kgs of nuts per tree per annum upto 80 to 85 years. This variety shell is easier to open, stack or pack process than the other two varieties. 

Market & Opportunity

As of now, from the Indian market point of view, Macadamia has huge gap between demand and supply. Making it one of the world’s Macadamia powerhouses with domestic and global trade on a sustained rise coupled with robust health conscious growth across the world, now the Macadamia plantation will be also an important contributor to India’s growth story in coming years. 

As the total Macadamia production in India is likely to increase substantially in the coming years as Bahuvida Limited is creating a complete Macadamia Ecosystem (Importing seeds, developing nurseries, grafting with aged plants, supply of seedlings and saplings, plant-care consulting, pest-control management, postharvest management, buying the crop, processing the nuts, packing and forwarding, selling in the domestic and international market on Bahuvida Limited’s own brand and also white labeling for globally renowned FMCG companies); Hence; in the country every horticulture farmer will plant and trade their entire crop with Bahuvida Limited which will throw enormous opportunities right from small to large scale Investments. 

Nut Characteristics:

  1. Rich, buttery flavor.
  2. Hard, woody shell.
  3. White or creamy kernel.
  4. High in healthy fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated).
  5. Good source of protein, fiber, and minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium).


  1. Subtropical climate requirement.
  2. Well-draining soil.
  3. Moderate watering.
  4. Pruning and training for optimal yield.
  5. Mainly cultivated in Australia, South Africa, Hawaii, and southern part of India.


  1. Snacking (roasted or raw).
  2. Baking (cakes, cookies, pies).
  3. Cooking (stir-fries, salads).
  4. Oil production (macadamia oil).
  5. Cosmetic applications (skin care, hair care).

Health Benefits

  1. Rich in antioxidants.
  2. May help lower cholesterol.
  3. Supports heart health.
  4. Good source of energy.
  5. May aid in weight management.

Income Tax

Macadamia nuts are considered a premium and nutritious snack, and their cultivation and processing are an important industry in several countries including India. Bahuvida Limited is at the forefront of the highly profitable Macadamia estates development with detailed market intelligence and knowledge. Our role is the key in terms of development of Macadamia estates in India in large extent of land-bank with the combination of real estate, as we are the one and only Public Limited Company in Agribusiness segment in the country; we do venturing this business with PAN India and global network through our DGFT (Directorate General of Foreign Trade) license for the supply of yielded Macadamia nuts in the global market.  

Welcome to Bahuvida Limited; Welcome to the world of Macadamia..! It’s an ocean of High ROI opportunities.