Become an Agent

Become an Agent

If you don’t mind a little smart-work, there is a lot of earning potential in the field of Macadamia and Bioleather estates marketing. Bahuvida Limited welcomes you to join its family. As an Agent of Bahuvida you will help people realise their dreams by fulfilling their financial goals. The difference you make to their lives is more rewarding and satisfying than you could ever imagine. By joining us, you will be a part of one of the finest teams of Estates Marketing in both the Telugu States.

We offer the best commission structure in the industry that not only takes care of your current earnings, but also guarantees earnings for the future, even for your next generation. What’s more, you can set your own income targets with a potential to earn as much as you want for the rest of your life and for your children great career as they desire. 

As an Agent of Bahuvida Limited, you will be a true and independent entrepreneur. You have the freedom to be your own boss: work for yourself, choose your own investors and make your own money. All of this, without making any initial working capital. We provide you with the best-in-class training, since that is what differentiates Bahuvida Agent from the regular real estate agent. Even if you don’t have previous experience, our training programmes conducted by qualified in-house training personnel’s, will make you a specialist in estates sales. Our commitment towards our Agents career means that, we support you and your efforts not just today, but at every stage of your business. We believe in encouraging our Agents to strive towards the highest level of success, throughout their career. 

In fact, depending on your performance, we also offer a management career option in Bahuvida Limited. As an Agent of Bahuvida Limited, you don’t sell regular properties; you regard agriculture property as a means for your investor to achieve his/her true wealth. You are helping them investing in their dreams.


A Bahuvida Limited, Agent is the person who advice’s his/her investors on their future investment plans to get more and more secured returns on the agricultural investment, also fulfilling their family and children dreams. Our agents are the highest earning professionals in the market. The gross income of Bahuvida’s agents would be around ₹15 lakhs per annum. It is not a onetime commission on a sale made by you, unlike any other property selling, Bahuvida Limited offers you two different types’ commissions on estate investments. First one is spot and prompt commission when any investor invested in Bahuvida Limited’s estates plantation through you. The second one is from crop yielding; it will also be shared with you at the time of crop harvesting every year. 

This sharing structure in general 60% – 35% – 5% (60% to Investor/Estate owner, 35% to Bahuvida Limited and 5% to Agent who have brought the investor/owner for the particular estate), such an arrangement called as Recurring Income Share and it cannot be seen in any other regular real estate company in the country. 

So, if you work for just few years rigorously and quit Bahuvida Limited also, you will get an income from our Recurring Income Share at the time of crop harvesting every year as said above (i.e. from the 3rd year onwards till 25th year) as the estates will be under Bahuvida Limited’s maintenance. Hence, your earnings will be around ₹75 lakhs (± 10%) by the end of our maintenance period 25th year if you sell 1 Acre of our Macadamia estate today.   

We invite you to join hands with us in this magnificent journey of Real Growth and Great Earnings..! Click Here to download Agent Registration Form.


Welcome to Bahuvida Limited..!